UPCOMING EVENTS HOURS: M: 10-1, Tu: 4-7, W: 3-6, T: 10-1, F: 4-7, S: 9-12 SERVING MARINE, SCANDIA AND MAY TOWNSHIP MARINE COMMUNITY LIBRARY LONNIE RIVER PLAYING LOVNESS RADIO WITH MUSIC 4-18 4-20 4-20 7:00-8pm 9:00-10am 10:30-11:30 Marine resident, Lonnie Lovness, will talk about her book Growing up Wright. The book is the story of her parents, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the multi-year journey of building their house in Stillwater by hand. FREE! Hosts Jim Maher and Gayle Knutson interview local to national notable figures, and update you on area news. Stream over Zoom or via telephone, or listen to a replay. Visit our events page for info on guests and links to the show. Join us for a morning of song and dance for families! Mark Sorvari of Playing With Music will lead this program of active music making. At the Marine Village Hall. Free! All ages welcome. Visit our website for more details. 121 JUDD STREET, MARINE ON ST CROIX 651-433-2820 FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO: MarineCommunity Library.org/events UPCOMING EVENTS HOURS : M : 10-1 , Tu : 4-7 , W : 3-6 , T : 10-1 , F : 4-7 , S : 9-12 SERVING MARINE , SCANDIA AND MAY TOWNSHIP MARINE COMMUNITY LIBRARY LONNIE RIVER PLAYING LOVNESS RADIO WITH MUSIC 4-18 4-20 4-20 7 : 00-8pm 9 : 00-10am 10 : 30-11 : 30 Marine resident , Lonnie Lovness , will talk about her book Growing up Wright . The book is the story of her parents , Frank Lloyd Wright , and the multi - year journey of building their house in Stillwater by hand . FREE ! Hosts Jim Maher and Gayle Knutson interview local to national notable figures , and update you on area news . Stream over Zoom or via telephone , or listen to a replay . Visit our events page for info on guests and links to the show . Join us for a morning of song and dance for families ! Mark Sorvari of Playing With Music will lead this program of active music making . At the Marine Village Hall . Free ! All ages welcome . Visit our website for more details . 121 JUDD STREET , MARINE ON ST CROIX 651-433-2820 FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO : MarineCommunity Library.org/events